#!/bin/bash #Made by yourlocaltouseef # Save USER Auth And Prefix auth=$1 authurl=$2 authtp=$3 autht=$4 joinurlP=$5 joinurl=$6 prefix=$HOME/.wine-cobalt #text colours Green='\033[1;32m' Red='\033[1;31m' Yellow='\033[1;33m' Blue='\033[1;34m' Reset='\033[m' echo " " if [ -f /etc/debian_version ] then distro_guess="Debian" distro_check="dpkg -l" distro_install="apt install" distro_update=" sudo apt update" fi if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] then distro_guess="Fedora" distro_check="rpm -q" distro_install="yum install" distro_update="dnf update && dnf upgrade" fi if [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] then distro_guess="OpenSUSE" distro_check="zypper search -i" distro_install="zypper install" distro_update="zypper update" fi if [ -f /etc/arch-release ] then distro_guess="Arch" distro_check="pacman -Qs" distro_install="pacman -S" distro_update="pacman -Syu" fi if test -z $distro_guess; then echo -e "${Red}This Linux distro is not supported sorry. Now aborting." exit fi # Now Start The Script echo -e "${Yellow}Checking if your system is supported..." sleep 3 # Now Check The Cpu if ! lscpu | grep avx > /dev/null; then echo -e "${Red}Cpu Does Not Have AVX For Roblox GUI" fi if lscpu | grep avx > /dev/null; then echo -e "${Green}CPU supported!" fi # check glibc is 2.31 or newer if ldd --version | grep "2\\.30]\|2\\.2" > /dev/null; then echo -e "${Red}Error: Your system is unsupported. Please update to glibc 2.31 or greater. Press return to continue.${Reset}" read -p " " exit fi echo -e "${Green}Glic 2.31 or newer is installed!" echo -e "${Green}${distro_guess} is supported!" echo -e "${Blue}Press Enter To Install" read -p "" echo -e "${Yellow}Checking if the required packages are installed...${Reset}" # install "lib32-gnutls" if missing. if [ $distro_guess = "Arch" ] && ! $distro_check lib32-gnutls > /dev/null ; then sudo $distro_install lib32-gnutls; fi # install "lib32-alsa-plugins" if missing. if [ $distro_guess = "Arch" ] && ! $distro_check lib32-alsa-plugins > /dev/null ; then sudo $distro_install lib32-alsa-plugins; fi # install "lib32-libpulse" if missing. if [ $distro_guess = "Arch" ] && ! $distro_check lib32-libpulse > /dev/null ; then sudo $distro_install lib32-libpulse; fi # install "lib32-openal" if missing. if [ $distro_guess = "Arch" ] && ! $distro_check lib32-openal > /dev/null ; then sudo $distro_install lib32-openal; fi # install "xdg-utils" if missing. if ! $distro_check xdg-utils > /dev/null ; then sudo $distro_install xdg-utils; fi if ! $distro_check p7zip > /dev/null; then sudo $distro_install p7zip; fi echo " " #Install redist WINEPREFIX=$prefix winetricks -q wininet winhttp mfc80 mfc90 gdiplus wsh56 urlmon pptfonts corefonts dxvk WINEPREFIX=$prefix winetricks wininet=builtin winihttp=native # Install cobalt wget https://www.cobalt.rip/version-68af787bc3209218-RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe -O $prefix/RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe cd $prefix WINEPREFIX=$prefix wine RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe echo -e "${Blue} Press Enter When Installing Its Done For Cobalt" read -p " " COBALT_DIR=$prefix/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/Roblox/Versions/version-68af787bc3209218 # Make Join And Start Command echo -e "#Start Script Auto Made System\n\necho -e "${Blue}Going to Place $1"\n\nWINEPREFIX=$prefix wine $COBALT_DIR/RobloxPlayerBeta.exe $auth $authurl $authtp $autht $joinurlP $joinurl$1" > $HOME/CS cd $HOME sudo chmod 777 CS sudo cp CS /usr/bin/CS # Done echo -e "${Green}Cobalt had been installed successfully!${Reset}" echo -e "${Green}To Play Games Open Terminal,\nthen execute this command\n${Blue}CS placeidhere${Reset}"